Dropper Bottles

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Dropper Bottles

Our bottles are premium grade and made in the USA. The caps have an air tight seal and will prevent your paints from drying out. Our dropper bottles will comfortably hold up to 17ml of paint and are nearly identical in appearance and size to the professional bottles and dropper tips sold by older, more expensive companies.

Paint Dropper Bottles

If you’re looking to upgrade your collection, transferring your paint pots into our dropper bottles is a great way to ensure your paints don’t dry out and will last for years. Protect your miniature painting investment and save yourself money over the long-term. Our quality bottles are made in the USA and are far superior to the other bottles that you’ll find from other sources. We also have both glass paint agitator balls and rustproof paint mixing balls to make shaking your paints a breeze. Upgrade your scale modeling supplies today.

Paint Mixing Balls

Our glass paint mixing balls are large unlike most options on the market, and our metal paint agitator balls are rustproof and will not break down in your paint. Adding our paint mixing balls makes shaking your paints a breeze.

Paint Transfer Kits for Miniatures

Our paint transfer kits are the best and easiest way to convert your old paint pots over to bottles. The included industry standard high quality bottles are made in the USA. Our paint transfer kits include everything needed to easily decant paint pots and will keep them sealed air tight and fresh for years to come.