Full Color Printed T-Shirt


Full Color Printed T-Shirt


$15.00 up to $15.00 per item.

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These quality 100% cotton t-shirts are printed front and back.

Personal sizing notes: After test fitting both the “unisex” and “women’s” options for this shirt, we decided that the “unisex” actually had an overall better fit. As for 100% cotton and shrinkage, I found that when washed with cold water and dried properly, there was limited shrinkage. I wear size large, and after multiple wash/dry cycles, the shirt still fits me properly and is not overly form fitting. However, if you often find yourself in-between sizes, you may want to consider sizing up.

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Care instructions: Flip shirt inside-out before machine washing with cold water. Tumble dry on low. Do not iron or dry clean.

T-Shirt Size Chart


Item Weight 8 oz
Item Size 8 × 5 × 2 in
Shirt Sizes